Monday, February 1, 2010


Taquitoes were a huge success!  Considering this was the first time we recreated these lovelies, we (and a couple friends) were very pleased with the results.  Here is the final product:

Taquitoes served with Guacamole and Sour Cream

We had some chicken left over from when the Chicken and Rice soup was made.  You can use whatever chicken you like (I wouldn't suggest a BBQ'd one though).  Grate some mozzarella and cheddar cheeses and mix with the chicken.  Sprinkle some salt and pepper.


 Take some of the mix and place it on top of a soft flour or corn tortilla.  We used 10" flour tortillas but we could've used smaller ones. 


Roll them up fairly evenly:

Using a high sided frying pan, coat the bottom of the pan in approx 1/4inch of cooking oil.  Heat to medium-high.
Drop two at a time into the pan with the flap turned down. Press the wrap into the oil and hold a few seconds til the shell crisps up and will hold its shape.  Rotate and brown evenly.  Continue until all your taquitoes are cooked.  Place on a layer of paper towel to drain excess oil.  (Only do 2 at a time or the oil will cool too fast and you'll end up with soggy wraps that open and make a mess! If need be, you can use a toothpick to hold them shut.)
You can choose to either serve them whole or cut them in half.  Garnish with your favorite veggies and Mexican condiments.  We used: guacamole, salsa, sour cream, lettuce, tomato and green pepper.  (And a little extra cheese ;) )

These smelled amazing and tasted delicious!!  Have you ever tried taquitoes before? Tell me about it in the comments.

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