Friday, April 23, 2010

Chinese Noodles!

WOW, I can't believe it's been over 2 months since we've updated the blog with some of our delicious meals!!  It seems sometimes when we try something new or photo-document the process, the end result just doesn't turn out as here's to new beginnings! Cheers :)

We absolutely love getting noodles from one of the local Chinese restaurants but it starts to get pricey after a while and we wanted to try making our own.  This was a first attempt and it turned out fairly well. I'm sure there will be some tweaks to the process the next time we make them, like possibly getting a WOK!

First, add some corn oil, sesame oil and soy sauce to a frying pan and heat it up.

Add some steak and fry it up. You could also use chicken or shrimp if you like.
Add your favorite veggies.  We used carrots, onion, anise and parsley. We also added some chili and a can of ChunKing vegetables (we didn't use the seasoning, just the can of veggies).
Boil the noodles, we used what I call angel hair rice noodles. You can find these in the international foods section of the grocery store.
Add the noodles to the frying pan with your steak and veggies, fry up the noodles a little bit and mix it all up. Add some green onion for garnish and Voila!